Potatoes and Starvation.
Posted: Friday, 01 April 2005 |
On commencing this blog, I am aware it is the first of April, March is gone and it was generally a good month. This is the time when we used to spread dung on the new grass being kept for hay, and of course seaweed was hauled for the same purpose.
The dung heap was not all used up, but plenty was kept for the potato planting in mid April. Just imagine the delight of a young boy to partake of the tea and sandwiches out in the open field. It was a special kind of treat, not any longer known, I'm sure.
Potatoes, since I am on the subject, have been , more or less, the staple diet of the west highland populations over the centuries. It was a terrible blow to them and the people of Ireland when the crop failed in 1846, Starvation followed, and in Ireland severe emigration-the west coast of Scotand had the benefit of megere provisions supplied by the government of the day.
Well, it looks as we only have one month left of spring, and then the beginning of Summer. We are all looking foward to good weather and sunshine then, that is if the beleboured elements will allow.
GAELIC: Am bheil cuimhne agaibh air dineir do bhuntata agus sgadan? Tha cuimhne nuair bha an sgadan cho blasda, gle thric iucair bhreagha,agus buntata lurach maile ris.
The dung heap was not all used up, but plenty was kept for the potato planting in mid April. Just imagine the delight of a young boy to partake of the tea and sandwiches out in the open field. It was a special kind of treat, not any longer known, I'm sure.
Potatoes, since I am on the subject, have been , more or less, the staple diet of the west highland populations over the centuries. It was a terrible blow to them and the people of Ireland when the crop failed in 1846, Starvation followed, and in Ireland severe emigration-the west coast of Scotand had the benefit of megere provisions supplied by the government of the day.
Well, it looks as we only have one month left of spring, and then the beginning of Summer. We are all looking foward to good weather and sunshine then, that is if the beleboured elements will allow.
GAELIC: Am bheil cuimhne agaibh air dineir do bhuntata agus sgadan? Tha cuimhne nuair bha an sgadan cho blasda, gle thric iucair bhreagha,agus buntata lurach maile ris.
Posted on Island Wanderer at 22:11