A good day to you folks!
Posted: Wednesday, 29 December 2004 |
Although I have lapsed recently as regards my blogging, I am also also surprised how few others have kept it up. I hope now that since the system is going to be improved on soon, that there will be a special effort by all the blogging isles. During 2005 let's be on the move!!!
Christmas has been, and once again, I thoroughly enjoyed the festive season, and although I am now considered elderly, I still love it all.
I hope now that you all have a good New Year.
Well is it not a frightening world we live in. In the last day or two we have been shocked by what has happened in far off Asia.Thousands lost in terrible devastating situations as a result of a sudden earth quake. I wonder how the relief organisations are going to cope.Are we going to be faced with the prospect of many more lost because there is not enough help and supplies available.
Are there any gaelic speaking bloggers? I am going to try you out:
Aig deireadh na bliadhna, a dhaineon chridhleas na Nollaig, tha e fa-near dhuinn cho fuar dorcha sa tha'n aimisir agus cuideachd co fluich. Tha aon rud math ann, latha as giorra seachad. Bi sin uile deanamh gairdeachas ris an fheasgar sinte.
A bheil cuimhne aig gin agaibh air na taighean ceilidh uairaigean. Saolaidh mi gu robh sinn fada na bu shona fo bhuaidh, sgeulachdan,orain agus ceol.
Am bi ceilidh agaibh anns na h-eileanan eile ris a bheil turus againn an seo.
Posted on Island Wanderer at 01:27
Hi Island Wanderer, how is life on Tiree? How are you lot surviving the weather? I'd imagine the snow gives you less bother than the wind?
Davey from Mull
Check the new Voices website here for great clips and anecdotes on how we speak.
Mike from Glasgow
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