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16 October 2014


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Serious water...

The heavy rain on Saturday and Sunday meant that the streams were seriously swollen and as a consequence the many waterfalls round about Aros Park were quite interesting, to say the least.

Actually, the most impressive thing was the sheer noise of the water. Hard to convey in a picture and I suspect that the pics dont do justice to the falls anyway, but here's a few:

This is the lower fall - you can see the spray quite well in the pic

The upper fall from above

This is the upper fall from the path

A view of the river just below the upper fall

Young Iain was on the hunt for toadstools (just to the right of him there). He was also extremely well wrapped up and totally dry, unlike father who looked like he had been in the river...

Be back soon!

Posted on mountainman at 11:11


Wow. That is amazing. I can imagine the noise. It did look as if it rained like fury up there - I was looking at the Oban webcam the other day and it was raining stair rods and blowing a hoolie. Glad you're all in one piece. Iz

Mrs Trellis from N E Wales

Great photos, MM, as ever! You really capture the power of the water. Is that a bridge or footpath in the second pic? The water looks perilously close.

Jill from EK

Marvellous pics...they really convey the sound of a raging burn...I have my furry paws over my furry lugs as I type...

Flying Cat from dry-ish land

Jill, that wooden thing is a fence near the upper fall. The water was actually running underneath it. Mind you even on a quiet day its an impressive spot - the river goes from gently meandering in a "pastoral symphony" sort of way then throws itself off in a mad torrent. A bit like me at times.... :-))

MM from Tobermory

hi MM - super pics - that's one of our favourite walks too - love the water pics - what camera do you use? I have to send a note to Santa!!

Wild Freckle from Mull - still drying out!

Hello WF, camera is quite simple - its a Fujio Finepix A10. has suffered a bit mind you - wifes cousin fell over while taking a pic in Edinburgh Zoo - lens covers wouldnt open after that. It also had a teapot dropped on the LCD screen - so its a bit battered and cracked. Still works though. I got round the problem of the lens covers not opening by pulling them off with tweezers... Never say die!!!!

MM from Tob

Have heard the roar of this fall on many a summers day. Can get rather wet from the spray on the bridge over it. Superb.

cathy from kilmarnock

I use a Fuji Finepix E550, two years old. It got tremendous customer write-ups on Amazon (if I'm allowed to say so without *s) and has been a great wee camera for a compact (first) digital. There's a 25 year-old Olympus OM10 languishing in the attic...don't suppose anyone will ever want it.

Flying Cat from twiddling digicam

Mine is a FinePix too - must be popular but I have dropped it several times - frustrating thing is It doesnt zoom enough or do really wide angled shots for me - with all this fantastic sky, wildlife and scenery I just want to capture it all - its my birthday on Monday and I think the hints have paid off - fingers crossed!!!

Wild Freckle from Mull - wet again!

I have found all the Fuji Finepix cameras to be good - in fact I cant say I have come across a bad one. I used to use Nikon 35mm gear but that is sadly gathering dust right now. Mind you, there is one area where 35mm gear is still very handy and that is for astrophotography, esp using slide film. I hope to get a bit of that doen this winter, so there may be life in the old Nikon dogs yet...

MM from Tob

Hmmm...I'm even more sure now that our 35mm bits will be staying in the attic...

Flying Cat from looking through the wrong end...

hey,guess what?? mine is a----finepix S5600 i suppose its basic as i'm b****y useless with a camera--pascal and his friend michel"made me buy it" in auckland as i had a canon which i dropped in the ocean of moorea(the fault of a ray) still shudder when i think about it(not to think off the price the cannon cost--moneywise and it was late huby's bijou!

carol from looking at what i've got

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