Torloisk, Laganulva, Salen circuit
Posted: Thursday, 14 June 2007 |
Good pics again, James. You really open our eyes when it comes to looking at the landscape. I would like to get into geology a bit more - is there a good 'Geology for Dummies' (and I do mean dummies) type book? I suppose the consolidated ash you mention would be like that that came out of Vesuvius and apparently caused far more deaths than the lava flows or fires.
Jill from EK
thank you for the lovely pictures-again!! you should go and visit the north island in NZ(ok i'm driving folks nuts with nz) but the north island is very volcanic and there is one island which still has a volcano in activity-- i even flew over it in a helicopter-which for me was no lean feat as i have a great fear of whirlybirds. whirlybirds?? i have vague memories of a series on the tele being called that!! aahh old age --again
carol from over here
I remember it too, Carol. It was in the days when helicopters were an exotic species.
Jill from EK
Jill, an excellent book, and one that I recommend to my students is "Understanding Geology" by David Webster. It is a sort of workbook - I think it may be recommended for GCSE use, it is really good, easy to follow and generally quite logical. Well worth it!
James (MM) from Tob
I've ordered it from Amazon! I have a couple of 'Rocks and Minerals' type books but nothing that explains the fundamentals. I'll have to take the book on holiday with me so I can spot things. Many thanks! Have a good weekend.
Jill from EK
For goodness sake Carol, stop this 'I'm ancient 'thing, you're a woman in your prime with a great future! Think of the poor rock formations ...ossified...nothing to look forward to....never changing...bored stiff...walked all over without redress....*sob*
Flying Cat from peering into a crumpled face
carol from puppy love
Flying Cat from kitty affection