In Benbecula, Gregor meets an experienced cook who shows him how to make a rich spiced chocolate tart topped with moist poached pears.
Tha sà r bhèiceirean nan dachanan fhèin a’ toirt Griogair MacLeòid dhan chidsin a choimhead dè tha iad a' fuine. Na chòcaire proifeiseanta, 's aithne dha nach gabh luach a chur air rud a bhios math a h-uile là a nì thu e agus tha feadhainn dhiu sin aige fhèin ri shealltainn.
Ann am Beinn na Fadhla tha e a' tachairt air còcaire eòlach air na h-aoighean a' riarachadh. Seallaidh ise dha mar a tha i a’ dèanamh tort ròiceil teòclaid le peuran bog spìosrach air a mhullach. Agus le a shùil a-mach an còmhnaidh airson nithean matha às aonais glutain airson café Chalanais, sann anns an Ath Tharacail a gheibh e slis cheapairean le corca agus courgette.
Na chidsin fhèin ann an Calanais tha Griogair a’sealltainn dhuinn mar a ni thu bagels a-staigh. Thèid an goil sa phana mus tèid iad dhan à mhainn. Tha sin gam fà gail le cagnadh math bog nam broinn, agus còmhdach bhrisg fhrasan air an taobh a-muigh.
Some of the country's best home bakers welcome Gregor MacLeod into the kitchen to show him their favourite recipes. As a professional cook and baker he knows that you can't put a price on a tried and tested recipe and also shares some of his own.
In Benbecula, Gregor meets an experienced cook who knows how to impress guests. She shows him how to make a rich spiced chocolate tart topped with moist poached pears. Always on the lookout for gluten-free recipes for the café he runs, Gregor samples an unusual sandwich slice in Ardnamurchan that is made of courgette and oats.
In his own kitchen in Callanish, Gregor shows us a recipe for seeded bagels. Twice-cooked, both boiled and then baked, these are deliciously soft inside but with a tasty chewy crust. And he dusts off his granny's old recipe book and shows us his version of her barley scones.
Last on
Na bagels aig Griogar
Duration: 03:48
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
Editor | Craig Nicol |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Producer | Faye MacLean |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
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