Gregor heads to Inverness to see how to make a zesty clementine sponge that uses poppy seeds to add colour and crunch.
Some of the country’s best home bakers welcome Gregor MacLeod into the kitchen to show him their favourite recipes. As a professional cook and baker he knows that you can’t put a price on a tried and tested recipe and also shares some of his own.
Gregor heads to Inverness to see how to make a zesty clementine sponge that uses poppy seeds to add colour and crunch. He’s in Point, Lewis to meet a cook putting the local black pudding to good use in the kitchen. Paired with sweet onions and buttery mushrooms, he makes a stand-out sausage roll that can be eaten hot for dinner or cold at a picnic.
Back at home in Callanish, Gregor makes dainty little butter biscuits. With their delicious crunch they make great crackers for a cheese board or would be the perfect salty accompaniment to an aperitif. And he also creates his own take on a meringue pie using lime instead of lemon.
Tha sà r bhèiceirean nan dachanan fhèin a’ toirt Griogair MacLeòid dhan chidsin a choimhead dè tha iad a’ fuine. Na chòcaire proifeiseanta, ‘s aithne dha nach gabh luach a chur air rud a bhios math a h-uile là a nì thu e agus tha feadhainn dhiu sin aige fhèin ri shealltainn.
Ann an Inbhir Nis chì e mar a nì e cèic blasta le sùgh orainds. Tha sìol mheilbheig na lùib ga fhà gail brisg fo d’fhiaclan. Anns an Rubha ann an Leòdhas gheibh e comhairle air na ghabhas dèanamh le marag dhubh an eilein: cuir ann an rolag taoise i, le uinneanan is balgain-buachrach, agus ‘si bhios math, teth no fuar.
Na chidsin fhèin an Calanais tha Griogair a’ dèanamh briosgaidean beaga saillte là n ime a tha math fhèin le iomadh seòrsa cà ise, no fiù’s leotha fhèin le glainne fìon. Agus tha pà idh mearang a’dol dhan à mhainn, ach chan e an liomain à bhaisteach tha aige, ach teile.
In Gaelic with English sutitles
Last on
Na briosgaidean ime aig Griogar
Duration: 01:50
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
Editor | Craig Nicol |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Producer | Faye MacLean |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
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