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Importing Music Into Dira For Immediate Use
Music imported using this workflow will not log automatically – you must log all tracks manually using Sable PLG.
You Will Need
- A track downloaded from desktop jukebox or ripped from CD
Quick Guide
- Open file in StarTrack - then save as to database, normalising to -10dB in the first pop-up box and and selecting Music Diga in the second pop-up box.
- Fill in the Take Data Card – First the title, spelled correctly. Capitalise the first letter of each word. Then artist – type name in performers box half way down the card. Clik the ‘+’ sign – if the artist is already known the name will go bold. If not, you’ll be prompted to add a new artist.
- Tick send data to public display - the artist name and title will appear on listeners DAB and Freeview. This displays exactly as you have typed them. It is very important to be accurate.
- Click OK – you can now search for the track in Highlander and drag it into a schedule for playout.