To make sure you understand the passage, try answering the questions below.
Why does Bernadette want a summer job?
To pay for university/studies. She says j鈥檃i besoin de chercher un petit boulot afin de financer mes 茅tudes 脿 l鈥檜niversit茅.
What sort of job would she like? There are four things to identify.
She wants a job that is different. She says mais, moi j鈥檃imerais faire quelque chose de diff茅rent.
She wants to be able to work outside as she says et en plein air.
She likes the idea of working with children (as they are generally cute/sweet). She says l鈥檌d茅e de travailler avec les enfants me pla卯t parce qu鈥檕n peut s鈥檃muser et les enfants sont g茅n茅ralement mignons.
She wants a relaxing job (after having studied hard for exams). She says en plus, apr猫s avoir 茅tudi茅 si dur pour les examens, j鈥檃imerais bien me d茅tendre un peu.
What was good/bad about the work experience placement?
Work experience was bad because it was not at all inspiring (every day she had to respond to calls, sort the mail, copy things). She says c鈥櫭﹖ait vraiment nul et ce n鈥櫭﹖ait pas du tout inspirant. (Chaque jour j鈥檃i d没 r茅pondre au t茅l茅phone, ranger le courier, et copier des choses.)
Work experience was good because it gave her the chance to become more responsible and independent. She says ce stage m鈥檃 donn茅 l鈥檕ccasion de devenir plus responsable et ind茅pendant.
Why does she think she gets on well with children?
She鈥檚 not too serious and she jokes around with them/is silly with them. She says je pense que je m鈥檈ntends bien avec les enfants car je ne suis pas trop s茅rieux... et je fais des b锚tises avec eux.
What did she learn by helping at dance club?
She has learnt to be more patient (because the children often didn鈥檛 listen to her). She says en les apprenant 脿 danser, j鈥檃i appris 脿 锚tre plus patient (car les enfants ne m鈥櫭ヽoutent pas souvent!)