
Trampolining - essential skills and techniques Straight jump, landing and stopping

These essential skills and step-by-step resources will explain the techniques required to successfully perform a range of actions in trampolining.

Part of Physical EducationTrampolining

Straight jump, landing and stopping in trampolining

All gymnastic routines require performers to understand the basic skills of straight jump, landing and stopping. Once a performer achieves mastery of these skills they are able to progress to more technically challenging skills and techniques.

Stage one - getting started

  • Stand on both feet on the red cross, in the middle of the trampoline.
  • Bend your knees and push gently off your toes to begin a low, controlled bounce.
  • Once in the air, rotate your arms in a small circle from your side and complete one full turn before you return back to the bed.
  • Complete the same routine a few more times and create a rhythm.

Stage two - gaining height

  • To begin gaining height, land with feet flat on the mat and as the trampoline begins to elevate up, push your toes deeper into the trampoline immediately before take-off.
  • As you take off, bring your arms away from your sides and extend them out in front of you and elevate your arms quickly above your head.
  • Keep your upper body and head as still as possible.
  • As you reach the top of your jump, ensure that you keep your toes pointed down and your fingers pointing up.

Stage three - beginning to drop

  • As you begin to lose height, drop the arms outwards and into the side of your legs.
  • Keep your arms straight and your fingers and toes pointed.
  • To achieve the most efficient re-bounce, ensure you land with your feet 'flat' onto the bed.
  • Repeat from stage two again to maintain bouncing rhythm.

Stage four - stopping

  • Land with your feet 'flat' onto the bed.
  • Begin bending your knees as you touch down on the trampoline.
  • Keep your back straight and ensure you do not lean forwards or backwards.
  • On safe landing, extend the knees to standing position and elevate arms above your head to show completed routine.

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