
Chemical formulae of compounds

A substance formed by the chemical union of two or more is called a . The chemical for a compound shows:

  • the symbols for each element in the compound
  • the number of of each element in a unit of the compound

Covalent compounds

A bond formed between two atoms, where are shared, is called a . usually form between elements and are held together by covalent bonds. All compounds that exist as are covalent. Here are some examples:

Carbon dioxideCO2
Sulfur dioxideSO2
CompoundCarbon dioxide
CompoundSulfur dioxide

The subscript numbers in formulae show how many atoms of that element appear in the molecule.

A diagram showing one symbol of nitrogen and two symbols of hydrogen.

So, the formula NH3 shows that ammonia contains one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms.

Ionic compounds

A bond formed between two atoms where an electron is transferred from one atom to the other is called an . are made up of atoms joined together by ionic bonds. They usually (but not always) contain at least one element and one non-metal element.


An is a charged formed when an atom, or a group of atoms, loses or gains electrons. The number and sign of its electrical are shown in superscript text.

Names and formulae of some common ions:

Name of ionFormula of ionElectrical charge(s)
SodiumNa+One positive
MagnesiumMg2+Two positive
ChlorideCl-One negative
OxideO2-Two negative
Name of ionSodium
Formula of ionNa+
Electrical charge(s)One positive
Name of ionMagnesium
Formula of ionMg2+
Electrical charge(s)Two positive
Name of ionChloride
Formula of ionCl-
Electrical charge(s)One negative
Name of ionOxide
Formula of ionO2-
Electrical charge(s)Two negative

Simple formulae

The formula of an ionic compound can be predicted by using the formulae of its ions. The numbers of ions in a formula must give an equal number of positive and negative charges.

Name of compoundFormulaElectrical charges
Sodium clorideNaClOne positive, one negative
Sodium oxideNa2OTwo positive, two negative
Magnesium oxideMgOTwo positive, two negative
Magnesium chlorideMgCl2Two positive, two negative
Name of compoundSodium cloride
Electrical chargesOne positive, one negative
Name of compoundSodium oxide
Electrical chargesTwo positive, two negative
Name of compoundMagnesium oxide
Electrical chargesTwo positive, two negative
Name of compoundMagnesium chloride
Electrical chargesTwo positive, two negative