

Bases and alkalis

A is any substance that reacts with an to form a and water only. This means that metal oxides and metal hydroxides are bases.

Bases that are in water are called and they in water to form . For example:

  • copper oxide is a base, but it is not an alkali because it is in water
  • sodium hydroxide is a base, and it dissolves in water so it is also an alkali


Explain why all alkalis are bases, but not all bases are alkalis.


Zinc oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and water. Zinc oxide is insoluble in water. State and explain whether zinc oxide is a base, an alkali, or both.

Neutralisation reactions

A reaction is a reaction between an acid and a base. Remember:

  • acids in solution are sources of hydrogen , H+
  • alkalis in solution are sources of hydroxide ions, OH-

In acid-alkali neutralisation reactions, hydrogen ions from the acid react with hydroxide ions from the alkali:

H+(aq) + OH-(aq) 鈫 H2O(l)

Pure water is (its is 7). A neutral solution can be produced if the correct amounts of acid and alkali react together. The change in pH during a neutralisation reaction can be measured using a pH probe and meter, or estimated using solution and a pH colour chart.