Questions on Learning to drive
Re-read paragraphs 1 - 3.
1. What do many young people do when they get their provisional driving licence?
They go out for a spell behind the wheel with their parents or another adult.
2. Why does driving mean freedom for young people?
They don't have to wait for lifts from parents and friends.
3. What statistic shows that younger drivers are more likely to be in accidents?
That 9% of serious accidents in the UK involved drivers between ages 17-19 but they only make up 1.5% of licensed drivers.
4. What do most youngsters have to do for their lessons?
Get a job to pay for them.
Re-read paragraphs 4 - 5.
5. How did Catherine Black feel when she started learning to drive?
She felt very anxious.
6. Why does Catherine recommend getting a proper instructor?
She and her father fell out.
7. How does Catherine describe her instructor when she failed?
Very supportive and helped her get better.
Re-read paragraphs 6 - 7.
8. What do driving organisations offer?
Lots of useful advice on their websites.
9. Read the whole text again. How useful is it as a guide to learning how to drive? Give details from the text to justify your answer.
Possible answers are:
- it is very useful
- it gives advice such as getting a proper instructor and lessons.
- they speak to a learner and they share their experience to reassure you
- it reassures you that if you fail it isn't the end of the world.
10. Translate this paragraph.
Tha e gu math cumanta a bhith a' fàilneachadh na deuchainn dhràibhidh air a' chiad uair. Tha àireamhan oifigeil o 2017/18 a' sealltainn nach eil an ìre phasaigidh ach 46.7%. Mar sin, ged 's e briseadh-dùil mòr a th' ann nuair a thachras e, chan e deireadh an t-saoghail a th' ann, ach feumaidh tu fuireach deich latha-obrach às dèidh làimh airson deuchainn eile a shuidhe.
à | English |
Tha e gu math cumanta a bhith a' fàilneachadh na deuchainn dhràibhidh air a' chiad uair. | It is quite common to fail your driving test the first time. |
Tha àireamhan oifigeil o 2017/18 a' sealltainn nach eil an ìre phasaigidh ach 46.7%. | Official statistics from 2017/18 show the pass rate is only 46.7%. |
Mar sin, ged 's e briseadh-dùil mòr a th' ann | therefore/so, although it is a big disappointment |
nuair a thachras e, chan e deireadh an t-saoghail a th' ann, | when it happens, it isn't the end of the world, |
ach feumaidh tu fuireach deich latha-obrach às dèidh làimh airson deuchainn eile a shuidhe. | but you must wait 10 working days (afterwards) to sit another test. |
à | Tha e gu math cumanta a bhith a' fàilneachadh na deuchainn dhràibhidh air a' chiad uair. |
English | It is quite common to fail your driving test the first time. |
à | Tha àireamhan oifigeil o 2017/18 a' sealltainn nach eil an ìre phasaigidh ach 46.7%. |
English | Official statistics from 2017/18 show the pass rate is only 46.7%. |
à | Mar sin, ged 's e briseadh-dùil mòr a th' ann |
English | therefore/so, although it is a big disappointment |
à | nuair a thachras e, chan e deireadh an t-saoghail a th' ann, |
English | when it happens, it isn't the end of the world, |
à | ach feumaidh tu fuireach deich latha-obrach às dèidh làimh airson deuchainn eile a shuidhe. |
English | but you must wait 10 working days (afterwards) to sit another test. |
Now revise vocabulary on the next page, or move on to the test.