
Elizabethans - exam preparation - EduqasIdentify and explain connections (10 marks)

In your History GCSE, it is important that you not only have good subject knowledge, but have the skills to apply this knowledge to exam questions.

Part of HistoryElizabeth I

Explain the connections between TWO of the following... (10 marks)

This type of question is asking you to identify and explain the connections or links between two of the four features given in the question.

The two chosen features must be discussed within the historical context. You will be given marks for demonstrating historical knowledge and understanding and providing a full explanation of the relevant connections.

You can refer to other features in your answer but make sure the focus of your answer is on the chosen two. Also remember that there are always clear links between all of the given features, so just pick whichever features you are most comfortable with.


Explain the connections between TWO of the following that are to do with Elizabethan government:

  • Privy Council
  • Parliament
  • Taxation
  • Freedom of speech


  • Identify clearly which issues or features you have chosen.
  • Write about each one as fully as possible using your historical knowledge.
  • Identify and explain as fully as possible as many connections or links as you can between your chosen features.
  • Be guided by the number of marks for the question and the number of lines provided in the answer booklet as to how much you write.