Just to be sure you understood the text, have a go at answering the following questions.
Who are the main characters of the film? (there are three answers).
The main characters of the film are a boy, a girl and an old technician. It says un gar莽on, une fille et un vieux technicien.
What do the characters do in the film? (there are five answers).
They meet every night in an abandoned cinema. It says se retrouvent tous les soirs dans un petit cin茅ma abandonn茅.
They invent stories/tales. It says afin d鈥檌nventer des histories.
They enact them. It says ensemble ils les jouent.
They dress up and draw the scenery. It says en se d茅guisant et en dessinant les d茅cors.
They create six stories/tales. It says Ils cr茅ent six contes.
How does the writer describe the tales? (Describe it as fully as you can).
The tales are adventurous, fairytale like and marvellous/magical. It says elles 茅taient vraiment aventuresques, f茅eriques et merveilleuses.
Every story has a moral and a universal message. It says chaque histoire avait une jolie morale avec un message unversel.
Her favourite tale is called 鈥楾he Chosen One of the Golden City鈥 - 芦l始Elu de la Ville d始Or禄. What is the message of the story?
The message is that life and happiness are more important than gold. It says la vie et le bonheur sont plus importants que l始or.
What did the reviewer like the most about the film? Explain the reasons for this -there are four.
The reviewer most liked the fact that she was transported into a magical world. It says ce qui j鈥檃i aim茅 le plus au sujet de ce film, c鈥櫭﹖ait le fait que j鈥檃i 茅t茅 transport茅 dans un monde magique.
The pictures, colours, scenery were beautiful and made him/her think of a world in her dreams. It says les images, les couleurs et les d茅cors 茅taient beaux et m鈥檕nt fait penser 脿 un univers dans mes r锚ves.
He/she felt they had been on an extraordinary and unforgettable journey. It says par cons茅quent j鈥檃vais l鈥檌mpression que je faisais un voyage extraordinaire et inoubliable en regardant ce film.
The magnificent graphics made the tales really gripping/real. It says En plus les graphiques magnifiques rendaient les contes si prenants.
Who is the film suitable for?
The film is suitable for adults and children. It says c鈥檈st un film qui convient aux enfants aussi bien qu鈥檃ux adultes.