
PSHE KS1 / KS2: Moodboosters - Boost

Discover fun Moodboosters videos and resources designed to give pupils a boost when they need it. These energetic, movement-based classroom activities focus on promoting self-confidence in pupils by encouraging them to use movement and positive thinking to build self-esteem. When we feel low on energy, motivation, or confidence it can affect how we think, feel and act. A word of encouragement from someone or giving time to energise our body can help us see what we are capable of. Being energised helps us to do the things we know we can normally do, as well as giving us the confidence to give new things a go.
  • Animal Safari

    Olympic Gold Medallist Bethany Shriever uses movement and exercises to help primary school children recognise the importance of taking time to pause and reflect.

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Boat Race

    Paralympian Ade Adepitan shows primary school pupils that it’s ok to go wrong from time to time through a combination of rowing, jumping and leaning

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Dance Party Mega Mix

    Strictly Come Dancing champion Oti Mabuse encourages primary school pupils to have fun by practicing unique dance moves to energise the class

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Volume Up

    Rhys Stephenson and George Webster encourage primary school pupils to join in with a body percussion routine to inspire confidence and self-belief.

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Wacky Workout

    Dr Ranj Singh leads a wacky workout for primary school pupils about being able to change negative moods to positive ones through movement

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Power Up

    C91Èȱ¬ presenters Rhys Stephenson and Joe Tasker use simple high-5 and high-10 hand movements and actions to up energy levels in the class

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Emotion in Motion

    In this classroom activity, Strictly Come Dancing’s Amy Dowden demonstrates how primary school pupils can explore different emotions through movement

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Let’s Rock

    CBeebies presenter Evie Pickerill assembles an air instrument rock band, where everyone in has their own part to play in this classroom activity

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • MC Hype

    Strictly Come Dancing champion Oti Mabuse becomes MC Hype to get pupils off their feet in this classroom activity to help combat feelings of tiredness

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11
  • Make Some Noise with Evie Pickerill

    CBeebies presenter Evie Pickerill inspires children to turn their bodies into musical instruments to help stimulate awareness of controlling movement

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      KS1/KS2 • Ages 5-11