Does God speak to us through film? Read more
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God and the Movies
Does God speak to us through film?
Atonement in Terminator
On the themes of redemption and atonement in the Terminator films
The Last Temptation of Christ
The controversy surrounding Scorsese's film for making Christ an ordinary human being
Star Trek
On the Star Trek films and the danger of 'making God an image of ourselves'
Verdi's Otello
Having seen Verdi's Otello, Reverend Dr Rob Marshall reflects on jealousy, envy, and fear
Too Many Words
British theatre chaplain Reverend Dr Rob Marshall on the danger of over-using words
Holy Places
Should places set aside for prayer and reflection be turned into tourist attraction?
On the Ledge
Reverend Dr Rob Marshall talks about the play, On the Ledge, by Alan Bleasdale
Guru Granth Sahib
The "outpouring of love for God" in the Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred Sikh scriptures
Earth and Sky Coalition
The Coalition's role in supporting First People's art and culture in the Americas
Guru Nanak
The life and teachings of Sikh Guru Nanak and the way of yoga
The First Peoples of the Americas
The religious traditions and creation stories of the First Peoples of the Americas
Guru Gobind Singh
The life and teachings of Guru Gobind Singh, the last of the ten Sikh Gurus
Reflections on love and relationships in Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing
JB Priestley
On Priestley's play An Inspector Calls and his social conscience
Reflections on parenthood, continuity, and Selichot - Jewish prayers of repentance
The story of the prophet Jonah and his attempts to escape from God
Terence Rattigan
The return of the 1950s dramatist after decades of being a "cultural whipping boy"
Rosh Hashanah
On the shofar - the ram's horn - blown during the Jewish New Year
Is There Laughter in Heaven?
Are there causes for laughter in the Bible, as there are in life?
Of the Father's Art Begotten
Christianity's contribution to, and withdrawal from, European art
A Dangerous Thing
A contemplation on the difficulty of expressing what is true, real, and important.
Yom Kippur
Rabbi Hugo Gryn remembers observing Yom Kippur in Lieberose concentration camp
The Jewish 91热爆
The importance of the home and parental teaching to Jewish continuity
Judaism and Legalism
The relationship between Judaism, legalism, art, and beauty
Sir Lewis Namier
Arguments against Sir Lewis Namier's summation of Jewish history as "martyrology"
The Jewish Sabbath
The significance and meaning of the Jewish Sabbath - which is more than a day of rest
Jerusalem Divided
Thoughts on the schism between Christianity and Judaism
What are Churches For?
A speaker compares a church to an English public house
Christian reflections on bodily nature of human friendship
Thought on Judaism as a religion of practice and behaviour