Is Julian Assange a hero or a villain? Read more
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Is Julian Assange a hero or a villain?
WHYS: Liu Ziaobo: the right choice for the Nobel prize?
Did Liu Xiaobo deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? And what do you think of China's reaction?
Are we all corrupt?
WHYS: Sweden suicide attack
We speak to people in Sweden, which is reeling from its first suicide bomb attack.
Is football 'one of the last bastions of prejudice against gays'?
WHYS: Does the ICC's intervention promote Kenyan stability?
The ICC has accused six high-profile Kenyans of causing violence that led to 1,200 deaths.
WHYS: Is sovereignty an out-of-date concept?
The idea of sovereignty is a powerful one but is it an out-of-date concept?
WHYS: Your questions to "Anonymous"
WHYS goes to the home of a member of "Anonymous" to take your questions.
Is South Korea making matters worse?
Is South Korea as much to blame for tensions - and the threat of war - as the North?
Should Julian Assange go to Sweden?
Julian Assange is fighting extradition to Sweden over rape allegations.Should he return?
WHYS: Ivory Coast on the Brink
Should the UN step in in Ivory Coast? What example will it set for other African nations?
WHYS: On air: It is important that the US and Russia trust each other?
Russia and the US sign a new nuclear arms treaty but does it mean more trust between them?
What can be done for the homeless at Christmas?
World Have Your Say is broadcast from the Centrepoint homeless hostel in central London.
Are NGOs too powerful in Haiti?
Haiti's Prime Minister has told the 91热爆 that NGOs operating there are too powerful.
WHYS: What's the problem with Elton John becoming a parent?
Elton John and his partner have had a baby boy through a surrogate. What do you think?
WHYS: Is Vladimir Putin a strong leader?
Is Vladimir Putin the strong leader Russia needs or is he too powerful?
WHYS: Ivory Coast's Neighbours
What could the impact be of the Ivorian crisis on neighbouring countries?
WHYS: What would you give for parole?
Two prisoners could be freed on condition that one donates a kidney. Is this a good idea?
WHYS: Must Ivory Coast prioritise peace above all else?
Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo has been offered amnesty if he steps down. Should he?
WHYS: Are we witnessing a new age of Christian persecution?
Do attacks in Egypt, Nigeria and Iraq point to a new era of violence against Christians?
What next for liberals in Pakistan and must today's values be applied to all literature?
Are religious extremists 'holding Pakistan hostage'?
The governor of Punjab has been killed for supporting a change to blasphemy law. Why?
Should sex-crime accusers be named?
American feminist Naomi Wolf responds to your questions and comments.
Does the Arizona shooting tragedy reflect the state of political debate in the US?
What does the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords say about US politics?
Do Chinese mums and dads make better parents than their Western counterparts?
We discuss comments on parenting by an Asian American professor.
We return to Haiti a year on; The Sudan referendum
Tunisia unrest and Brazil floods
We talk to people in Tunisia about the violent unrest and hear more about Brazil's floods.
The power of La Nina
Your reaction as floods sweep through Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.
Thilo Sarrazin live from Berlin
Controversial banker turned author Thilo Sarrazin answers your questions and comments.
Facing up to Germany's past, or a homage to Hitler?
WHYS comes from the Hitler And The Germans exhibition at the German History Museum.
Charles Taylor's defence lawyer takes your questions
Courtenay Griffiths QC, defending Charles Taylor at the ICC takes your questions.