Award-winning comedian Alex Edelman uses his peer group to discuss the concept of "cool". Read more
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Series 3
Award-winning comedian Alex Edelman uses his peer group to discuss the concept of "cool".
Award-winning comedian Alex Edelman discusses how we all live in different bubbles.
Mental Health
Alex Edelman draws on personal experience to talk about attitudes to mental health.
The Future
Award-winning comedian Alex Edelman looks into the future with help from his peer group.
Series 4
Dead Jews
Award-winning comedian Alex Edelman looks at why Jews are still so problematic for so many
America As It Is Now
Award-winning stand-up Alex Edelman looks at how the Biden election has changed America.
The Impossibility of Escape
Award-winning US comedian Alex Edelman talks about how lockdown has changed his life.
New Relationships To Old Things
When his parents sell the family home, Alex discovers he's unexpectedly affected by it.