Episode 8
Following the work of seabird ecologists on the Isle of May. Read more
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Series 1
Following the work of seabird ecologists on the Isle of May.
Episode 9
Including an update on the oil spill off the Mississippi Delta.
Episode 10
Our first report from the Great Barrier Reef on how its sharks are doing.
Episode 11
Brett Westwood and guests question the language used in wildlife conservation.
Episode 12
Including a report from India on efforts to save the long-billed vulture.
Episode 13
Including feedback from listeners who have used the Open University's Ispot website.
Episode 14
Including part three of Gillian Rice's vulture report from India.
Episode 15
Jeremy Bristow visits Jane Goodall in Gombe, Tanzania, to see her chimpanzee study group.
Episode 16
What is the future for our farmland birds?
Episode 17
Brett Westwood presents stories about seabirds, lizards and the Little Bittern.
Episode 18
Featuring news of the challenges swifts and swallows face as they head south for winter.
Episode 19
Including a report from the Somerset Levels to witness the release of the European Crane.
Episode 20
Reporting on the tiny creatures that writhe and creep in compost heaps.
Episode 21
Saba Douglas-Hamilton reports from Samburu national park in Kenya.
Episode 22
Saving Species visits the Mississippi Delta in the aftermarth of the Gulf oil spill.
Episode 23
Saving Species goes on a fungus foray in West Wales.
Episode 24
What can the decline in British birds tell us about global extinction levels.
Episode 25
Brett Westwood reports on migrating birds in the skies over London.
Episode 26
In this week's programme, deer, conservation in the UK and biodiversity world-wide.
Episode 27
Saving Species visits Islay in Scotland in the company of twenty five thousand geese.
Episode 28
Saving Species witnesses the extraordinary mating behaviour of Koalas in Australia.
Episode 29
This week Saving Species looks into the issues of invasive species.
Episode 30
Memories of river wildlife, migratory swans and fungi all in this week's programme.
Episode 31
Featuring the little-known Blue Pimpernel and Britain's 'big six'.
Episode 32
Saving Species comes from the 100 Foot Washes in the company of thousands of swans.
Episode 33
Saving Species reports from Panama about the plight of Sloths in the Caribbean.
Episode 34
Saving Species reports alarming news about the plight of Lions in Africa.
Episode 35
Saving Species goes to India to investigate a remarkable story about tiger conservation.
Episode 36
In this weeks programme "Top Goose", how 91热爆 geese generated new science.
Episode 37
Saving Species is in the Pantanal in Brazil looking for the hyacinth macaw.
Episode 38
Saving Species reports from Australia on how tourists are helping to save whales.