a cup of char
Posted: Tuesday, 12 February 2008 |
Me feathers are all polished clean and it took all morning after that I needed a seed or two to refresh myself before out I flew a spying, as I set out I landed myself in a right thermal which blew me a bit off course, eventually I met my mates on the bridge Mr and Mrs Gullshit for a cup of char and the things they told me - well bright red in the beak I went I was all a blushing and all this a happening on the island or thereabouts!!! and on that note I must fly me master is awaiting and I promised Mr and Mrs Gullshit I would not tell - well not for a day or two!!
Posted on a bridge too far at 14:56
I think maybe you need a wee bottle of wine!! make sure you don't fall off the bridge, bad swell and Sammy Seal might get you!!
beans from over the water
me thinks you could do with a glass of red wine!! Make sure you don't fall off the bridge, tide is very strong and I'm not sure your feathers would cope!!!
Beans from Over the Water
tsk..loose birds flying around, eh?
*loads and draws crossbow...*;-)
Hermit from Sanday
Quick! If you've got a car, get it under cover before Hermit pierces its innards.
Flying Cat from duck!
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