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16 October 2014

Annie Beag

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Flying Cat's Godwin photo teaser

Over on Digital Sand's blog, Flying Cat wrote, "I too would like to meet the Mighty Godwin Himself. Anyone who reads Shetland Liff will have seen his buspass photo tho'.......it doesn't disappoint."

Well, I nearly choked on my Sunray Tips in the excitement and went straight on to Google images to type in "jeremy godwin" + shetland + life.

This is the picture that came up. FC is right. It certainly doesn't disappoint, although isn't it funny how you get a picture in your mind of how some people look only to find that you're way off beam? I hadn't imagined him to be quite so Exotic.

On the same page I was enthralled to read that, 'Jeremy Godwin becomes Dharmalata 'Firebrand of the Dharma '

What a constantly fascinating man he is!!
Posted on Annie Beag at 16:04


How can a man smile so when he's wearing an old army blanket? He must be a saint! Or one of Linda Snell's lamas...

Flying Cat from lost in admiration

In these parts we're not allowed to smile and we have to face straight forward for photo ID but we can choose whether to have the plain white background or the blue curtain in the photo-booth. How like Jeremy to think laterally and wear the curtain off the shoulder. All the cool kids will be doing it now.

Avid Letter Reader from the newspaper archives

Is Godwin related to Tiger Woods or that new GP driver ,Harris Hamilton?

Calum from Mixing his islands up

What I want to know is, which brand of wax does he use for his mustache and his underlip goatee. # Exotic? You expected the Godwin to look like Tony B. or Gordon? (Another "B", for crying out loud). At least he does not look like Ian (now the big honcho next door), who doubtless envisions himself in the earthly role of the mighty Godwin.

mjc from NM,USA

In today's Orcadian (17/5) there is one of the most coherent, neatly laid out, interesting Godwinian epistles ever to grace that organ's Postbag. Only one subject and yet, several paragraphs....it's a masterpiece!

Flying Cat from lost in admiration

What a tease you are FC. First you tell us that you have access to a bus pass photo and then tantalise us with reports of up-to-the-minute material by the Mighty G. How about some equal opporchancities for readers of the Stornoway Gazette & Arran Banner? (Is there a weblink?)

Annie B from the usual

I've tried to find letters in the Orcadian website - and believe me, I wouldn't go through such torture for just anyone, but to no avail. They don't seem to publish the 'Postbag' online. Or I just can't navigate the site.....Anyway, I thought it was you who had The Mighty One's buspass photo...

Flying Cat from dmb dmb dmb

My comment has gone astray....can't find a weblink to Orcadian Postbag....whoever she is. Don't you just know that previous comment will eventually appear...

Flying Cat from a worshipful stance

Oh forgoodnessake whatevernext...

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

Thanks for looking for the postbag FC. Shame it's not available online but I'm pleased you can confirm the likeness of the photo I found with Big JG's bus pass photo in Shetland Liff. (Now you see a comment now you don't. Good game....)

Annie B from the usual

www.shetlandtoday.co.uk/shetlandlife/ content_details.asp?ContentID=20823. Sadly, these people don't understand how important it is to The Godwinians to have a graven image on which to concentrate the meditating mind, but yours is practically a speaking likeness.....

Flying Cat from a worshipful stance

Interestingly enough Jeremy's latest publication, entitled 'Zen and the Art of Newspaper Correspondance', will be published by the Twig Godwinians later this month. I understand he has already started on his next work, provisionally titled 'What not to Wear: A Fashion Guide for Graven Images'.

BoB from Lewis

The Twig Godwinians must be a Lewisian sect I think...we haven't heard of it in Orkney...yet...but no doubt the Jeremissionaries will be stepping off the Ham'n'eggs any moment... I'd leaf as not they didn't as I'm not really into schisms.

Flying Cat from out-on-a-limb

Do you think we get get 2000 people to say they were Twig Godwinians on the next census so that we could make it an official sect - with Jeremissioniaries as their more radical wing?

Annie B from the usual

I'm a bit worried about the legality of some of the emissionaries' activities. supposing they contravene EU Regulations? It's a worry...

Flying Cat from in Knox

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