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16 October 2014

Annie Beag

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Found this interesting recipe on the web for 'kippers, fried eggs and manifold spam in salad cream'

Today's recipe is one of my own favourites, passed down to me by by my uncle Lachie Hamish just before he died of salmonella last year. (Dont worry, he caught it from a Stornoway marag his brother had for emergencies during the war - nothing to do with me!)

For the meal you'll need a toaster, a Massey Ferguson tractor, a crocan of finest spam, some kippers and few eggs.

First of all run the tracor for at least an hour. Then get a couple of kippers and put them in the toaster (a tip I learnt from my cousin when I stayed in his caravan in Garynamonie). While the kippers are cooking, pour some "3-in-1" oil on the tractor's manifold and put the spam on it. You're actually better to open the tin and slice the spam first but if you don't, you can do both with an axe later.

Once you've done that, crack a couple of eggs, and cook them on the manifold, if there's any room. If not, the engine casing's a good bet as it's usually got some oil on it and the Castrol GTX gives them a nice flavour.

When you think everything is hot enough, take the kippers out of the toaster and put them in a suitable dish. ( My mother brought me back a really posh stainless steel dish from Petsmart when she was in Inverness). Then slice the spam if you haven't already done so, put it between the kippers (like a sandwich) and place the eggs on top of the lot. To finish off, pour a bottle of salad cream into the dish and then tuck in (only use Heinz - I bought a bottle of another make called 'Dulux' and it was tasted awful).

Wash down with a crocan or two of your favourite tipple (I acquired a few crates of some stuff they make from woodpeckers when I was staying with Johnnie Bulmer at Amhuinnsuidhe and it goes well with this dish - its good in the tractor too!).

Agus sin agad e a 'chairdean. That's this weeks cookery lesson over.

Next time I'll be passing on another delightful recipe - sardines with boiled cabbage and beans, as well as some others.

Hope to see you then


PS Please attend one of my cookery demonstrations - next one at An Lanntair in Stornway in a few weeks

The link is http://www.amadan.co.uk/issue1.htm

Does anyone know what became of this publication? Did anyone go to a cookery demonstration - and survive? Most importantly will Seonaidh be at the Fank?

Posted on Annie Beag at 00:02


annie b !haven't read your blog today but worries abour tws. do you know him or do you know someone who knows him?? i think we all need to help him. i'm sending this to all the bloggers in the western isles so someone somewhere give me news of him! thanks

carolworriedabout tws from france

sorry annie b but this sounds b****y awful

carol from france,

Simple recipe! Are you sure Seonaidh is not an alias for Hyper-B., or Annie B. for that matter? Might Seonaidh have one involving Hebridean seaweed?

mjc from NM,USA

It might be more important to make sure Seonaidh is most definitely NOT going to be at the Fank. It'll help keep the survival rate of the participants up. Among other things...

Flying Cat from Fanny Haddock's back scullery

What wine do you recommend with it Annie B?

Dame Sybling Thorndyke from Brue

Cats Pils Special might eradicate most of the 'flavour.'

Flying Cat from EffCee&Marmalade, Binends

If Seonaidh has a recipe involving seaweed she might want to change her name to Dulcie. As to wine, no contest, the Foreign Legion's favourite, "Mazout". (patois for diesel)

Hyper-Borean from Alginate Alley

Zut, alors!

mjc from NM,USA

Do excuse me AnnieB for putting an unrelated query here...I know this is not something that normally happens on ib....but I am just so excited I cannot contain myself. Whilst curled up listening to RadioBestWeeCountry this morning, one of the winners of the Out of Doors competition (which animals eat eucalyptus leaves?) was a Christine Morrison of Lewis...I know you know what I'm going to ask....could this be your very own...your ain, oor ain, a'body's ain, Chrissie Mary? Thanking you in advance, yours aye, EffCee.

Flying Cat from EffCee & The Detectives

Go right ahead Annie B. Let that cat out of the bag!! Otherwise, you might be the next victim on a forthcoming Midsomer Murders episode. Close encounters with flying cats. Cats can be dangerous to your health (as per Ministry of Health, UK). # Why Fred Blog would have two cats and only one dog is a puzzle, but then he is (still) English, is he not?, and therefore rather .....

mjc from NM,USA


Flying Cat from a hard stare

Firstly, apologies to Carol for not responding to her query about tws - I've not been online for a while. Glad he's back but I thought that the 'o' blog was very eloquent - once he was back to normal. As for Chrissie M - I don't think she slipped her leash, but I'd better check up on her. (Eek mjc, do you get Midsomer Murders in New Mexico?)

Annie B from the usual

That Nettles gets everywhere...(fpu wishes)

Flying Cat from The Cotswolds

I suspect Nettles is on tv here too, but I get the DVDs (discounted). Relaxing, like the old westerns: unbelievable or incomprehensible plots, murders by the half dozen every episode, generally very good acting, formulaic. Midsomer Murders go down very well with huge servings of home made popcorn (with oodles of butter).

mjc from NM,USA

Let's hope that Joyce Barnaby doesn't join any activity groups on holiday up here and that Culley doesn't get a job with Calmac - or it'll be the Swainbost Slayings or Bloodbath in Borve.... Would that go down well in NM? (like the old Westerns but with added Isles)

Annie B from the usual

Oh not that olive isle again AnnieB, they'll never be out the thunderbox. Would that qualify as an activity holiday?

Flying Cat from slippery slope

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