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16 October 2014

Annie Beag

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Albert Ross

Exciting news from Sula Sgeir (which is still a flu-free zone). A black-browed albatross has moved in with the guga. He’s a very big boy with a 7-foot wing span so if he flaps about a bit he could create more energy than the wind farm they’re planning on Lewis.

Black brows seem much more distinguished than those phalaropes’ red necks don’t you think? Albert Ross seems to be an altogether classier creature.

Seemingly he’s one of an endangered species so we won’t be having any albatross suppers.

(I’m afraid I don’t know whether albatrosses have wishbones.)

Posted on Annie Beag at 00:05


is it the same Albert Ross wha used to live in Hermaness, Unst? hope so, he was missing for a good few years. If albatrosses' have wishbones, how would we pull it? and what would we wish for?

scallowawife from shetland

I have black eyestripes, does that qualify for distinguished? And how does Albert Ross live in Herman Ess??? Isn't he a biped with a d.o.g., not a rather untidy heap of sticks? *sigh* Life among you humans is sometimes very confusing for felines.

Flying Cat from under a puzzled frown

Is this how Ross' Frozen Foods started? Or is it the pickling branch of the family who also make exceedingly good Edinburgh Rock? Is this the sort of Ross trivia you are looking for?

The Moaner from From Rona

Are you the same Annie Beag who is signing 'The only Seabird Book You'll Ever Need' at Ottakars in Dingwall this Saturday?

Hamish Oddy from Springwatch Gress

The Dodos were long digested by the time they realized they were endangered. Trust the Dutch to eat first and ask questions later. Claim ignorance (a moral if not legal defense) and enjoy ole Albert, basted in honey and sprinkled with oats a la Hamish, wishbone and all [Wish for the return of the Ivory billed woodpecker, Scallowawife]. That will teach him to leave Hermaness.

mjc from NM,USA

Hope he doesn't try to pinch my chips like the seagulls in Stornoway.

Lurker from Lewis

visiting Lewis this weekend hope to meet Albert

John from East Kilbride

I'd wish for Albert not to fly over my washing line when I'm drying the sheets.

Lena from Lionel Launderama

I'd wish for ancient mariners to avoid any albatros-related target practice. The crew of the Muirneag might be OK as their aim doesn't seem to be too good.

Super Stitious from Swainbost

Is Albert Ross any relation to Jack Dore?

hamish oddy from Phalarope cottage Brue

Don't know if he's from the Ross frozen food dynasty, but he might be related to Jonathon of TV fame?

Lurker from Lewis

[A man in an ice cream girl's uniform is standing in a spotlight with an ice cream tray with an albatross on it.] Man: (loudly) Albatross! Albatross! Albatross! Person: (approaching) Two choc-ices, please. Man: I haven't got choc-ices. I only got albatross. Albatross! Person: What flavour is it? Man: It's a bird, innit? It's a bloody sea bird... it's not any bloody flavour. Albatross! Person: Do you get wafers with it? Man: 'Course you don't get bloody wafers with it! Albatross! Person: How much is it? Man: Ninepence. Person: I'll have two, please. Man: (loudly) Gannet on a stick!

Mr M Python from Comedy TV vaults

See the Gazette at: http://www.stornowaytoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=2629&ArticleID=1549466

Lurker from Lewis

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