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Andrei Kymach

Baritone from Ukraine - 31 years old

I was born in the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine and I studied philosophy at the Shevchenko Ukrainian National University from 2007-2010. I got interested in music rather late, when I was singing in the church choir as an amateur. It was my future wife who inspired me to start musical studies. She was studying vocal technique, and told me that my voice had a lot of potential. In 2010, I entered the vocal/choral conducting department at the Kiev National Music Academy and in September 2016 I joined the young artist programme of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. In January 2017 I debuted there, in the role of Don Carlos in Dargomyzhsky’s The Stone Guest.

In October 2018 I made my debut at the Liceu in Barcelona in the role of Sir Riccardo Forth (I puritani). In November I sang Lord Enrico Ashton (Lucia di Lammermoor) in Tenerife, and in January and February this year, I performed the title role of Don Giovanni in Nice and Antibes.

Upcoming engagements include the title role in Rubenstein’s Demon with Chelsea Opera Group at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London.

I am still very interested in philosophy and this has a practical impact on my diet. I learned to cook according to the Indian Ayurveda tradition because I believe that it gives me more energy.

Andrei Kymach

Bariton, 31 oed, Yr Wcráin

Cefais fy ngeni yn ardal Vinnitsa yn yr Wcráin, ac astudiais athroniaeth ym Mhrifysgol Genedlaethol Shevchenko yn yr Wcráin rhwng 2007 a 2010. Roeddwn i’n eithaf hwyr yn dechrau dangos diddordeb mewn cerddoriaeth, a hynny pan oeddwn i’n canu yng nghôr yr eglwys fel amatur. Fy narpar wraig wnaeth fy ysbrydoli i ddechrau astudio cerddoriaeth. Roedd hi'n astudio technegau lleisiol, a dywedodd wrthyf fod gan fy llais i lawer o botensial. Yn 2010, cychwynnais yn yr adran arwain lleisiol/corawl yn Academi Gerdd Genedlaethol Kiev, ac ym mis Medi 2016 ymunais â rhaglen artistiaid ifanc Theatr Bolshoi Rwsia. Yno, ym mis Ionawr 2017, y rhoddais fy mherfformiad cyntaf, a hynny'n chwarae rhan Don Carlos yn The Stone Guest gan Dargomyzhsky.

Ym mis Hydref 2018 perfformiais am y tro cyntaf yn y Liceu, Barcelona, yn chwarae rhan Syr Riccardo Forth (I puritani). Ym mis Tachwedd, cefais gyfle i ganu rhan yr Arglwydd Enrico Ashton (Lucia di Lammermoor) yn Tenerife, ac ym mis Ionawr a Chwefror eleni perfformiais y brif ran yn Don Giovanni yn Nice ac Antibes.

Yn y dyfodol, byddaf yn chwarae’r brif ran yn Demon gan Rubenstein gyda Grŵp Opera Chelsea yn Neuadd y Frenhines Elizabeth yn Llundain.

Rydw i’n ymddiddori’n fawr mewn athroniaeth o hyd, ac mae hyn yn cael effaith ymarferol ar fy neiet. Rydw i wedi dysgu coginio gan ddefnyddio dulliau traddodiadol Ayurveda o India gan fy mod i’n credu ei fod yn rhoi mwy o egni i mi.


Main Prize Concert
Ce breuvage … Vision fugitive ±áé°ù´Ç»å¾±²¹»å±ð Massenet
Tomsky’s Aria The Queen of Spades Tchaikovsky
Vecchio’… La sua lampada vitale ... Tremate o miseri I masnadieri Verdi
Main Prize Final Concert
Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre Carmen Bizet
Aleko’s aria Aleko Rachmaninov
Cruda, funesta smania ... La pietade in suo favorea Lucia di Lammermoor Donizetti
Song Prize Recital 3
The Heroic Deed Op 60 No 11 Tchaikovsky
For the shores of the distant homeland Borodin
The Engaged Girl Kos-Anatolsky
O no, I beg you, do not leave Op 4 No 1 Rachmaninov
I am alone again Op 26 No 9 Rachmaninov
Song Prize Final Concert
Lubov’ mertvetsa Op.38’5 The love of a dead man Tchaikovsky
Aus Goethe’s Faust °¿±è.75’3 Beethoven
ɱôé²µ¾±±ð °¿±è.10’5 Massenet
Dicitencello vuie Falvo
Otrivok iz A Myusse Op.21’6 Fragment from A Musset Rachmaninov
Zimniy vecher Op.13’1 Winter Evening Medtner