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Matt Berry plays the part of Beef, the highly sexual, flamboyant and blindly confident friend of Vic and Bob.

With a penchant for the ladies, in particular African ladies, Beef will seduce anything in a skirt.

With a strong self-assurance that masks his complete stupidity, he will always jump willingly into the action - deterred only by a female presence. He has strong ties to both and , and unlike is devastated when he mistakenly learns Bob has died. However, this love for Bob does not stop him going full steam ahead with any of Vic鈥檚 plans even at the total expense of Bob鈥檚 feelings and with complete disregard for his well-kept house.

His array of ostentatious outfits is always a talking point, as is the bizarre places he got them and materials that they are made from. He is both integral to the show and yet never seems to quite be sure what is taking place, or where he is, and he is certainly never keen to be put in danger - choosing to run from a situation whenever it suits him.