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Edward IV

Played by Max Irons

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Born in 1442 to Richard, Duke of York. He was the great-great grandson of Edward III, where his claim to the throne lies.

With the support of his cousin – also referred to as the Kingmaker – he defeated the Lancastrian forces and was declared King at just 19.

Three years into his reign, he meets a widow and a Lancastrian supporter. They fall in love much to the displeasure of Warwick, who feels their relationship undermines the Yorkist campaign. Warwick would rather Edward marry a French princess for diplomatic reasons. Can he defy the man who helped him become King?

Warwick is furious that Edward decides to marry Elizabeth, and make her his queen. He makes numerous attempts to overthrow Edward, the first with (Edward's brother) and secondly with the Lancastrian queen Margaret of Anjou.

Edward defeats Warwick in battle, and the country is at peace for the first time in decades. With peace Edward becomes salacious and gluttonous, putting on a lot of weight while taking on more mistresses.

George once again becomes frustrated with Edward's leadership and plots again. When Edward is made aware he is tried for treason and drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine.

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