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Karen Montague

Karen's perfect man is David Gandy and loves her dog Toffee.

Who is your best friend? I have two best friends and they are my sisters.

What can you not live without? I couldn’t live without the internet only because we can access everything so easily now and especially contacting my family.

Biggest regret? I have no regrets.

Who is your type? Definitely someone who is tall, dark and handsome. An Italian or Spanish look – someone like David Gandy.

When did you last lose your temper? I’m quite a chilled out person and don’t really lose my temper.

Tell us something we don’t know about you? I’m actually a qualitied masseuse and used to work for a masseuse company.

Who do you miss the most? It’s my little dog Toffee who died after 16 years. I got her when I was 12 and this is the first year that I've come home from England and she wasn’t in the house. I miss her loads.

What would you delete about yourself from the internet? Maybe one or two selfies!

Pet hate? I can’t bear people who listen to music on their phone without headphones when I’m on public transport.

Most proud of: I’m very proud of the Miss Supranational Contest when I represented my country at the world final. I’m also proud that I graduated from university and I’m also very proud of my family.

How many selfies would you take in one day? None on a normal day but when I'm dressed up to go out i'd take aboutt 20.

Song on repeat? I like a variety of music so couldn’t pick one. My playlist can go from anything like a dance tune to Bob Marley so I like things changing.

What or who would you save from your house? I would save my family first. I’m not materialistic, so wouldn't save any possessions.

Who would you call in a crisis? My mum. I just think that a mum just cares about you on another level so she would be my rescuer.

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