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Newport鈥檚 Casey are the most unheralded and mysterious of the Horizons 2016 artists, and deliberately so. Their ethos is very much to have the music, and its emotional integrity, at the forefront of what they do. In their own words, 鈥渨e have no grand design, music is a labour of love.鈥
Fact title | Fact data |
Artists: |
Tom Weaver, Liam Torrance, Toby Evans, Scott Edwards, Max Nicolai
Style: |
Post-hardcore, Alternative
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Introducing/ Yn Cyflwyno... CASEY
Getting to know the Horizons artists for 2016. Yn cyflwyno artistiaid Gorwelion 2016.
They make expansive post-hardcore, one moment as atmospheric as 65DaysOfStatic or Explosions In The Sky, the next as fierce and intense as anything in Deftones’ back catalogue. A more contemporary reference point would be Baltimore’s Pianos Become Teeth.
This isn’t about influences, though. Casey don’t want to muddy the integrity of the emotional flow of their music with a list of painfully self aware influences, image or the white noise of social media.
Their statement will be a much anticipated debut album due out on Hassle Records this summer, and their overwhelming live shows.