Donna Parmar
The Mill's former receptionist could spot a blagger at a hundred paces.
A busy working mum, Donna was a little too interested in the workings at the Mill Health Centre. She had good instincts about people and was quite happy to warn medical staff when she thought she had a clue about a patient. Her temper could get her into trouble and she was twice given an official warning by Julia Parsons.
But she was a devoted wife to Ash and mother to Taran and embraced her husband鈥檚 Hinduism with great enthusiasm.
Donna鈥檚 sacking from the Mill was a sad day. She had discovered that a school enemy of Taran had an abusive alcoholic mother, who was being investigated by social services. Indeed on closer examination, she realised that the boy was being physically abused. Donna copied the family鈥檚 medical notes and gave them to the boy鈥檚 father who was suing for custody. It was a breach of confidentiality and something the partners could not ignore.
Last appearance on the 11th May 2007.
Played by Martha Howe Douglas