Episode 29
Iona Ballantyne welcomes Glasgow City’s Hayley Lauder to the 360 studio. Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte air cluicheadair Glasgow City Hayley Lauder dhan stiùidio.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes Glasgow City’s Hayley Lauder to the 360 studio for the first time this week. Hayley reflects on another busy week of SWPL action, and in this week’s feature interviews our studio team learn about Grampian Ladies, a club formed in 2019 with big ambitions. They also hear from Scottish cyclist Jenny Holl who is busy training ahead of the Commonwealth Games. Jenny tells 360 about her preparations, and her ambitions for Birmingham 2022 and Paris 2024.
Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte airson a’ chiad uair air cluicheadair Glasgow City Hayley Lauder dhan stiùidio an t-seachdain sa. Tha Hayley a’ toirt sùil air ais air seachdain trang eile anns an SWPL, agus an t-seachdain sa cluinnidh sinn bho Boireannaich Grampian, cluba à rd-amasail a thainig ri chèile ann an 2019. Cuideachd, cluinnidh ud bhon rothaiche Albannach Jenny Holl a tha an-drà sta ag ullachadh airson na Geamaichean a’ Cho Fhlaitheis. Tha Jenny ag innse do 360 ciamar a tha dol dhith, agus mu na h-amasan a th’ aice air thoiseach air Birmingham 2022 agus Paris 2024.
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Women's Sport 360 - S2 - Ep29
Duration: 33:54