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Iona Ballantyne welcomes a new guest to the studio with para-athlete Rebecca Sellar making her 360 debut. 'S i am para-lùth-chleasaiche Rebecca Sellar aoigh na seachdain-sa.

Iona Ballantyne welcomes a new guest to the studio this week with para-athlete Rebecca Sellar making her 360 debut. Rebecca updates 360 on the work she’s doing to make football accessible for everyone and in our first feature we hear from Hamilton’s Megan Quigley as she nears the 100 appearances mark for the club. In our second feature Hannah Chapman talks about life in the fast lane as a racing driver and her determination to get other females involved in the sport.

Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fàilte air tè a tha a’ nochdadh airson a’ chiad uair air 360, am para-lùth-chleasaiche, Rebecca Sellar. Tha Rebecca ag innse do 360 dè as ùr sa h-obair 's i a’ feuchainn ri ball-coise a thoirt dhan a h-uile duine agus sa chiad aithris againn cluinnidh sinn bho cluicheadair Hamilton, Megan Quigley 's i a’ teannadh ann a bhith nochdadh airson an ceudamh turas don chlub. Sa dàrna aithris tha Hannah Chapman ag innse mu bhith dràibheadh son obair agus gu bheil i airson barrachd bhoireannaich fhaicinn san spòrs.

Release date:

30 minutes
