Part 1 - Clip 5: The ferryman
1. Solo movement: each member of the group begins pushing towards the river through the crowd. But it’s difficult due to the crush of people heading for the river.
2. Whole group - talk in role: the children try to persuade the ferryman to take them across the river, using whatever arguments they can think of (excepting financial payment – they don’t have any money!)
1. The sequence is short, but look for movements which convey how crowded the streets have become. Be ready when instructed for everyone to sit down quickly, ready to hear the sequence involving the ferryman.
2. Again, organise the circle quickly to maintain the tension. You could take on the role of the ferryman yourself, answering the children’s suggestions. Or you could nominate someone to sit in the middle of the circle to be the ferryman...or you could allow group members to alternate as the ferryman.
More clips from 1. Welcome to Matrix!
Part 1 - Clip 1: Welcome!
Duration: 03:05
Part 1 - Clip 2: Identifying the sounds
Duration: 01:19
Part 1 - Clip 3: The Great Fire begins
Duration: 04:22
Part 1 - Clip 4: The bucket chain
Duration: 02:34
More clips from Primary Drama: Key Stage 2
Grace Darling. 1: At Longstone Lighthouse
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The Great Fire of London. 2: Completing the challenge
Duration: 14:46
It's a lovely day...tomorrow. 3: Going home
Duration: 14:46
It's a lovely day...tomorrow. 2: Life in the country
Duration: 14:43