Part 1 - Clip 4: The bucket chain
The group work together to make a bucket chain. Click 'Show more' for Teachers' Notes.
1. Solo movement: the group begins to move towards the river, showing the heat from the flames all around. Then they are approached by someone for help.
2. Groups of 5 or 6 - movement: the groups splits into smaller groups of 5 or 6 (or thereabouts) to help tackle the fire. The small groups create two short lines, side by side. The first member of one line mimes filling a bucket with water, then passes it up the line. The person on the other end throws the water on the fire, then passes the empty bucket back down the other line.
1. Be ready here – and elsewhere throughout the programmes - to remind everyone that they are in a Virtual Reality museum...not at the scene of the actual fire!
2. Again it is vital to maintain the sense of tension while the programme is paused. To do this you could adopt the role of either Kerry or the fire-fighter - instructing the groups, inspecting them, offering encouragement where necessary.
The fire is all around the group, so they will need to show how difficult the conditions are.
The aim is to make the passing and throwing of the buckets as rapid, but smooth, as possible.
More clips from 1. Welcome to Matrix!
Part 1 - Clip 1: Welcome!
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Part 1 - Clip 2: Identifying the sounds
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Part 1 - Clip 3: The Great Fire begins
Duration: 04:22
Part 1 - Clip 5: The ferryman
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