Prògraman C91Èȱ¬ air 91Èȱ¬ ALBA
MacIomhair’s nasty nephew has arrived on the island. He’s a little thief, and a liar.
Tha Ilija dol a ruith sa chiad rèis aige. Ilija is going to run in his first race.
Chan eil Stella idir measail air actadh. Stella isn’t at all keen on acting.
Tha Là Prèasaint Santa Dìomhair ann an-diugh. It’s Secret Santa present day.
Mrs MacArthur has unearthed a new talent and Mr Mackle is on a health kick.
George adapts the spin cycle of the washing machine.
Tha sìol air a thoirt do Phòl airson fhà s. Dave is given a bulb to grow.
Cà ite bheil Uilidh a’ dol an-diugh? Where is Uilidh going today?
Chan eil Sebastian idir toilicht’ an-diugh. Sebastian isn’t at all happy today.
Tha cà irdeas cudromach an-diugh. Friendship is important today.
Tom MacÃŒomhair 's story @12 years old
Tha seann teampall na dhìomhaireas an-diugh. An ancient temple provides a mystery.
Tha bliadhna dhoirbh air a bhith aig Aileas. Aileas has had a very difficult year.
Tha Angelina feumach air taic an-diugh. Angela needs help today.
Tha reifreann dol a bhith ann an-diugh. A referendum is happening today.
Zach and Emily with highlights from the 2024 Oban Mod.