Discover what makes great artists tick with our podcast that opens a window on the world
All available episodes (393 total)
Upcoming episodes (5 new and 19 repeats)
World-renowned architect David Chipperfield embarks on an innovative new project
Ce Benedict follows Sydney Chamber Opera's reimagining of the world's oldest poem
TRIVAX on their mission to fight against oppression and totalitarianism through music
Ishmael Reed, one of America's greatest living writers, writes his first music aged 86
Musician, composer and producer Brian Eno on technique and inspiration in nature
Following the craftspeople reconstructing this famous cathedral.
We go inside this famous cathedral as craftspeople reconstruct this gothic masterpiece.
Behind the scenes with the teams designing the London store’s festive windows.
Mark Reid visits a school in Bulgaria where they teach their pupils how to make movies.
Argentinian artist Tomás Saraceno tells us about his hot air balloon creation, Aerocene.
Mark Burman talks to film title designer Dan Perri.
Musician, artist and activist Madame Gandhi makes music from the sounds of the Arctic.
Sculptor Michael Visocchi’s memorial to and celebration of the whales of Antarctica
Mexican fashion designer Bárbara Sánchez-Kane disarms masculinity through menswear
Celebrated composer Jennifer Walshe creates a new opera set on Mars