The Eddie Mair Interview Episodes Available now

CIA Moscow Veteran: Putin is a consummate liar
John Sipher spoke to Eddie Mair about his life as a spy

I talk to my dead friend
Using artificial intelligence one woman has found a way of talking to her dead friend

'I have been across the whole spectrum of crime and I've paid a price for it'
Former gang member Jermaine Lawlor describes leaving crime to become a youth worker

How to make sure your last wishes are respected
Jenny Kitzinger's experience inspired her to campaign on behalf of incapacitated patients

'History is about the future, politics is about the past'
PM's Catalan referendum expert Sebastian Balfour tells us about his own fascinating life.

My twenty-two months of 'hell' in a Dubai prison
Ex-Leeds United MD David Haigh describes his treatment in Dubai criminal justice system

My journey as a Rohingya
Nijam Uddin Mohammed spent 18 years in a refugee camp in Bangladesh

'Those tweets were from someone lashing out at the world around him'
The Gay Times Editor who was sacked because of comments on social media explains his past

The 'Battle-Scarred' comedian
American war vet who podcasts his conversations with others who have been in war zones

Stourhead in autumn is 'a living work of art'
Head gardener Alan Power tells PM about the view from the gardens