Soundbyte Episodes Available now
Friendly Computers
Gandalf - the friendliest computer in the world
What Sparked China's Computer Boom?
China's computer boom as Shanghai computer sales double
Secret Messages
A look at governments who fear computers because they can't control what reaches whom
Born to be Wired
A discussion about the book "A Guide to the Internet by and for Women" by Rye Senjen
Robots Bearing Coffee
The biggest consumer electronic show in the world from London's Live '96
Cyber Sabotage
What measures are being put in place to prevent cyber sabotage?
ATM Networks
Personal computers and the birth of the microprocessor
Internet for Business
What do companies do with the vast volume of Internet data?
Creative and Collectable Computers
Collectable computers and new software developments
Computers for Relaxation
Computers that aid relaxation