Soundbyte Episodes Episode guide
Privacy on the Internet
You leave behind a trail of information companies can collect and exploit
Computer Software to Explore Africa
Software that helps to explore the continent of Africa and its people
Researching the Family Tree
Using computers to trace ancestry and lineage.
Virtual Teachers
Softbot (software robot) called Steve that only exists in the virtual space
Tech Companies Get a Slap on the Wrist
Internet consultant Bill Thompson discusses the Microsoft trial
Exercise Bikes that Make Art
An exercise bike communicating over the Internet to make art
Traffic in Tokyo
How a variety of computer systems to get the traffic flowing again in Tokyo
Learning How to Use Computers in Africa
Children learning how to use computers and how the Internet is spreading in Africa
Computer Games
Computer games are more than a bit of fun, they are big business
Smart Pen
Could fingerprint identification readers point the way to future computer security?
New Computer Systems in Restaurants
The restaurant workers using computers to take orders
Is the Internet Slowing Down?
We're not just talking about computers, we're talking to computers
Millennium Bug
The first reference to the Millennium bug was made in 1976
Meeting Animals Live on the Internet
The great apes' first live stream on the Internet
Artificial Intelligence
First words for artificial intelligence, computers trying to evolve their own language
Football using Technology
Football getting into the technology game
How to Find Things on the Web
Search engines explained
Douglas Adams Turns from Pen to Computer
Douglas Adams Turns from the pen to the computer
Computer Games
John "Quake" Romero discusses what it takes to win in the virtual world
The Internet in Africa
IT experts predict India to be the next software super power
The History of Computing
Looking back at the history of computing
Keeping your Website Alive After Death
Life after death, your webpage kept alive after you've died
Human Computers
Meet Catherine, she's been labelled the most human computer in the world
Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien
World memory champion Dominic O'Brien and how he uses a computer to develop his memory
Avoiding Con Men Online
The Internet makes life easier for us but also for con men
Software for Archaeologists
Software for archaeologists, helping them piece together the remenents of the past
Information Technology Overload
How to cope with technology and information overload
Computers with Emotional Responses
How does your computer feel about you?
Tamagotchi - Digital Pets
Flowers that detect pollution and Tamagotchi digital pets
Beryl Graham
Interactive artist Beryl Graham discusses her tea-table