The Apprentice Series 19 Clips
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"It's an acquired taste"—Turkey Corporate Hospitality
Duration: 00:32
"I don't think we can afford it"—Turkey Corporate Hospitality
Duration: 01:07
An un-olive-able moment—Turkey Corporate Hospitality
Duration: 00:36
Terrible table service—Turkey Corporate Hospitality
Duration: 00:59
"It's brown and it's loggy"—Easter Eggs
Duration: 00:21
"The Santa Claus of Easter"—Easter Eggs
Duration: 00:41
Keep calm and choc-on—Easter Eggs
Duration: 00:31
"It is mad!"—Easter Eggs
Duration: 00:52
Sampling sausages...—Crops to Cash
Duration: 00:56
"Sometimes you have to improvise"—Discount Buying
Duration: 00:51
"I'm going to get wound up now"—Discount Buying
Duration: 00:58
"This is my idea of hell"—Discount Buying
Duration: 00:51
Cutting to the chase—Discount Buying
Duration: 00:28
Let's get down to business—Virtual Pop Star
Duration: 00:50
"We are in the wrong industry!"—Virtual Pop Star
Duration: 00:29
Tuning up—Virtual Pop Star
Duration: 00:43
A deal like no other—Austria Tours
Duration: 02:36
The birds and the bees—Austria Tours
Duration: 00:50
A geography lesson. Kind of—Austria Tours
Duration: 00:57