Am Madadh-Allaidh
The history of the Scottish wolf and its extinction - is it time for their return? Eachdraidh a’mhadaidh-allaidh an Alba, bho chian a bith. A’ bheil an t-am aige tilleadh?
For 12,000 years wolves roamed Scotland. However, over three centuries ago, we exterminated them. This film reveals the rise and fall of the Scottish wolf and explores the question of whether they should be re-introduced.
Wolves arrived as the last ice age ended, following the herds of deer and reindeer that crossed a now-lost land bridge from Europe. For thousands of years, wolves and humans shared the landscape as apex predators, with the wolf entering human art, myth and belief. However, farming put wolves and humans on a collision course, and, after centuries of persecution, wolves became extinct in Scotland. Since then, deer numbers have exploded, and many of Scotland’s woodlands have been stripped bare. Some argue for the wolf’s return. Could we, and should we, hear the howl of the wolf once more in the Highlands?
Bha madaidhean-allaidh an Alba fad co dhiù dà mhile dheug bliadhna, ach o chionn trì cheud bliadhna chuir daoine as dhaibh air fad. Tha am film seo ag innse sgaoileadh is crìonadh madadh na h-Alba – agus a’foighneachd am bu chòir dhaibh tilleadh.
Rà inig madaidhean-allaidh Alba aig deireadh na Linne Deighe mu dheireadh. Cleas na daoine, lean iad na fèidh a bha a’gabhail gu tuath a Eòrpa, air talamh a tha’n diugh fo Chaolas Shasainn. Fad mhìltean bhliadhnaichean b’iad na daoine is na madaidhean prìomh shealgairean na dùthcha – am madadh na ìomhaigh ann an ealain, sgeul is creideamh.
Ach nuair a theann na daoine ri à iteachas is à rach sprèidh, bha am madadh na nà mhaid; as dèidh dhan duine bhi linntean ga shealg, chaidh e a bith an Alba. Bhon uairsin tha na fèidh air sgaoileadh nan sgaothan eagallach, a’fà gail iomadh coille air a criomadh lom.
Tha feadhainn den bheachd gum b’fhiach am madadh a thoirt air ais dhan dùthaich. An cluinn sinn a dhonnalaich air Ghaidhealtachd fhathast – is am bu chòir dha tilleadh?
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Rhoda Meek |
Director | Les Wilson |
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