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The Barrowland Roar

Iain Spanish MacKay with the history of the iconic Barrowland, with musicians and fans. Iain Sp脿inneach MacAoidh le eachdraidh a鈥� Bharrowland chli霉iteach le luchd-ci霉il is luchd-leantainn.

Musician Iain Spanish MacKay fulfils a dream to perform at the famous Glasgow Barrowland Ballroom. But before that, he chats to some of the stars that have played there as well as the dedicated staff that make the venue tick, plus the fans.

Iain joins Del Amitri, The Fratellis, Elephant Sessions, Gun, Stiff Little Fingers, and Dylan John Thomas as they take the stage as well as Barrowland stars Simple Minds, Amy MacDonald, Christy Moore, The Vatersay Boys, Travis and Mogwai. He learns about the 100-year history of the venue and surrounding Barras Market before helping out the roadcrew.

There is pre-gig advice from Johnny Marr and Ceitlin Lilidh, then Iain samples the annual Northern Soul All-Dayer Barraloadasoul and meets new band Spyres who have bagged a support slot. He joins Trail West to sing one of his own songs to a packed Barrowland audience.

Tha an neach-ci霉il Iain Sp脿inneach MacAoidh a鈥� coileanadh a bhruadair gu gn矛omhadh air 脿rd-霉rlar Se貌mar-dannsaidh Barrowland Ghlaschu, ach roimhe sin tha e ann an c貌mhradh ri cuid de na rionnagan a tha air cluich an sin, a thuilleadh air an luchd-obrach dh矛leas a tha a鈥� cumail an 脿ite seo a鈥� dol c貌mhla ris an luchd-leantainn. Tha Sp脿inneach ann an cuideachd Del Amitri, The Fratellis, Elephant Sessions, Gun, Stiff Little Fingers, agus Dylan John Thomas fhad 鈥檚 a tha iad a鈥� gabhail chun an 脿rd-霉rlair c貌mhla ri rionnagan a鈥� Bharrowland Simple Minds, Amy MacDonald, Christy Moore, The Vatersay Boys, Travis agus Mogwai.

Tha Sp脿inneach ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh 100-bliadhna an 脿ite-cruinneachaidh agus Margaid nam Barras faisg air l脿imh, mus toir e cuideachadh don dgioba-rathaid. Tha e a鈥� faighinn comhairle ro-ghn矛omhaidh bho Johnny Marr agus Ceitlin Lilidh, a鈥� faighinn blasad den Northern Soul All-Dayer Barraloadasoul bliadhnail agus a鈥� coinneachadh ri c貌mhlan 霉r Spyres a tha air 霉ine taic fhaotainn. Tha Sp脿inneach an uair sin a鈥� dol c貌mhla ri Trail West gus aon de na h-貌rain aige fh猫in a sheinn do thalla Barrowland a tha loma-l脿n.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

3 days left to watch

1 hour, 29 minutes

Last on

Sun 23 Feb 2025 22:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Iain Mackay
Producer Nick Low
Director David Martin


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