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Cuirm-chiùil nan Rodan/Rat Pack

Dave wants to learn to play the drums at school, but is given the recorder instead.

Tha Pòl airson na drumaichean ionnsachadh san sgoil, ach thathar a’ toirt a’ chuisle-bhinn dha. Chan eil fad’ ri dhol gu cuirm-chiùil na sgoile, is mar sin tha Pòl trang ag ullachadh. Tha Pòl air a dhòigh nuair a thig e am follais gu bheil gibht seinn jazz aig Mial-mogach. Ach ‘s beag for a th’ aige gu bheil an tàlantan còmhla a’ tàladh èisteachd de rodain a tha measail air ceòl.

Dave wants to learn to play the drums at school, but is given the recorder instead. With a musical talent show round the corner, Dave sets about practising. His spirits are lifted when Fuzzypeg reveals a gift for jazz singing, but little does he know, together their talents are attracting an audience of music loving rats...

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
