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Droch Aimsir/Spud-ageddon

George has come home with a haul of free electrics that the Spuds all want to test out. They barely notice as they cause a surge to rip through the local power station...

Tha na Pluic coma mun lorg carboin aca, gu h-àraidh is Deòrsa air tilleadh dhachaigh le grunn rudan dealain a fhuair e an-asgaidh, is a h-uile duine airson am feuchainn a-mach. Cha mhòr gu bheil iad a’ mothachadh gu bheil iad ag adhbharachadh atadh-dealain, a tha a’ sgrios an stèisein-chumhachd ionadail aca. Ach tha iad nas mothachaile nuair a nochdas ‘suil’ stoirm apocailipteach aig an doras…

The Spuds don’t care about their carbon footprint, especially since George has come home with a haul of free electrics that they all want to test out. They barely notice as they cause a surge to rip through the local power station. They do notice though when the eye of an apocalyptic storm turns up on their doorstep...

21 days left to watch

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Various David Walker
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Various Ellen Macdonald
Various Kathleen MacInnes
Various Carina MacLeod
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions


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