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Teaghlach Iomlaid/Exchange

Tha Pòl seachd searbh sgìth dhen teaghlach aige. Fed up with the Spuds, Dave demands to go on a ‘foreign exchange’.

Tha Pòl seachd searbh sgìth dhen teaghlach aige is tha e airson a dhol air turas còmhla ri teaghlach thall thairis. Tha Deòrsa ga chur air dòigh, ach ’s ann a tha Pòl a’ dol a dh’fhuireach còmhla ri teaghlach shuas an rathad airson seachdain. Nuair a ruigeas Pòl taigh na h-Àrdain, tha e mothachadh gu bheil iad uabhasach coltach ris an teaghlach aige fhèin, ach gu bheil an dòigh anns a bheil iad gan giùlain fhèin gu tur eadar-dhealaichte. Ged a tha cùisean math an toiseach, chan fhada gus a bheil Pòl ag ionndrainn a theaghlaich shìos a rathad.

Fed up with the Spuds, Dave demands to go on a ‘foreign exchange’. Arranged by George, Dave soon finds himself headed for a week-long stay in a flat a few doors down. Entering the home of the Dups, Dave’s host family look surprisingly similar to his own, but behave quite the opposite. Great at first, Dave quickly finds that he misses the Spud family he left behind down the hall.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
