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Geamhradh Tràth/Freeze a Jolly Spud Fellow

Summer rears its hot, cheeky head in Grimsby but Dave has found a way to keep the Spud flat nice and cool.

Tha a’ ghrian a’ sgoltadh nan creagan sa bhaile, ach tha Pòl air dòigh a lorg airson flat an teaghlaich a chumail fionnar, le bhith a’ cruthachadh geamhradh reòthta a-staigh. Gu mì-fhortanach tha e cuideachd a’ reothadh an còrr dhen teaghlach agus feumaidh e feuchainn rin leaghadh air ais dhan àbhaist, mus tionndaidh e fhèin na phìos deigh!

Summer rears its hot, cheeky head in Grimsby but Dave has found a way to keep the Spud flat nice and cool, creating an indoor winter wonderland. Unfortunately, he also freezes the Spuds, and it’s a race against time as he tries to defrost them all before turning in to a Spud-shaped ice cube himself.

19 days left to watch

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Various David Walker
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Various Ellen Macdonald
Various Kathleen MacInnes
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions


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