Episode 5
It’s late summer but Peter still has work to do and vegetables to harvest. Deireadh samhraidh ach tha obair aig Pà druig ri dhèanamh agus glasraich ri bhuain.
Peter reaps the rewards of his hard work and harvests a selection of vegetables in the back garden. He takes a trip to the garden centre and finally completes his front garden makeover, before heading to the family hut. There is a short detour to Dunollie Castle to get inspiration for his next project.
It is the perfect time of year for picking brambles, and luckily for Peter, there is an abundance of them near the hut. He picks enough to make a batch of tasty bramble jelly, and a little extra to experiment making a bramble-infused whisky!
Tha Pà druig MacCuidhein agus a dheagh charaid Seòras air ais son sreath ùr, a’ruamhar ‘sa cur, a’buain agus ag ithe.
Sa chòigeamh prògram, tha Pà druig a’buain toradh a shaothair, le deagh thaghadh glasraich air abachadh sa ghà rradh cùil. Tadhlaidh e an uairsin air ionad gà rradaireachd, agus mu dheireadh thall, tha’n gà rradh-aghaidh mar a mhiannaicheadh e.
Cuairt an uairsin gu bothan an teaghlaich – a stad aig Caisteal Dhùin Ollaigh son rannsachadh a chuidicheas le pròiseact ùr.
Seo an t-à m is fheà rr airson smeuran-dubha a’bhuain, agus nach buidhe do Phà druig, cho pailt sa tha iad faisg air a’bhothan. Tha e a’toirt leis na nì sili bhlasta smeuran dhaibh – agus cròglach eile a chuireas blas air uisge-beatha!
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Peter Macqueen |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
Director | Faye MacLean |
Executive Producer | Bill Macleòid |
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