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Deireadh an t-Samhraidh: Pàirt I/End of Summer: Part I

Episode 25 of 52

The summer has come to an end and Matilda must go back to the Capital, moving away from her friends, especially Charlie.

Tha an samhradh air tighinn gu crìoch agus feumaidh Marisa tilleadh dhan phrìomh bhaile, a’ fàgail a caraidean agus gu h-àraidh Teàrlach às a dèidh. Air an latha mu dheireadh seo dhe na làithean-saora, tha Marisa a’ faireachdainn nach eil a cumhachdan ach air trioblaidean adhbharachadh, is air bacadh a chur oirre spòrs a bhith aice as t-samhradh. Nuair a thilleas i dhachaigh, tha Marisa a’ lorg a’ chnò cò-co dhraodhaoil agus tha e a’ toirt aon mhiann dhi. Tha Marisa a’ miannachadh nach robh na cumhachdan seo aice riamh agus tha seo ga toirt air ais chun a’ chiad latha dhe na làithean-saora aice, nuair a ràinig i Port Pàipeir

The summer has come to an end and Matilda must go back to the Capital, moving away from her friends, especially Charlie. On this last day of vacation, Matilda feels her powers have only got her into trouble and haven’t let her enjoy the summer. Once she’s back home, Matilda finds the Magical Coconut, who grants her one ‘wish’. She wishes she had never had these powers, sending her back to her first day of vacation, when she arrived to Paper Port.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
