Uair a bha siud…/Once Upon a Time...
Matilda has the power to freely re-interpret the classic tales. She gets together with Curlybeard, Mortimer and Charlie to tell them a ‘special’ version of The Wizard of Oz.
Tha cumhachd aig Marisa a dreach fhèin a chur air stòiridhean clasaigeach. Tha i fhèin, Seanair, MacLaomain agus Teà rlach a’ tighinn còmhla, is i ag aithris dreach ‘sònraichte’ dhen stòiridh ainmeil, ‘Buidseach Oz’. ’S e Loilidh Beag prìomh charactar na sgeulachd bheòthail, chunnartach agus aig amannan, à raid seo, ann an saoghal dhraoidheil air a bheil Obh Obh!
Matilda has the power to freely re-interpret the classic tales. She gets together with Curlybeard, Mortimer and Charlie to tell them a ‘special’ version of ‘The Wizard of Oz’, in which Lollypop Kid is the protagonist of the story full of adventures, dangers and a huge amount of absurdity in the magical world of Oh.
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Production Company | Solus Productions |
- Mon 12 Apr 2021 18:20
- Thu 15 Apr 2021 18:45
- Mon 18 Apr 2022 18:25
- Thu 21 Apr 2022 18:45
- Sat 23 Apr 2022 17:30
- Mon 1 May 2023 18:00