
Episode 18
Three months on from the Brexit transition period and the enacting of a new trade agreement between the UK and the EU, Angela MacLean reports on how businesses in the Highlands have been responding.
Tha còrr air trì mìosan ann às dèidh dha ùine eadar-amail Brexit air a thighinn gu crìoch agus aonta malairt ùr air tighinn gu bith eadar an Rìoghachd Aonaichte agus an EU. Tha Angela Nic ’Illeathain ag aithris air mar a tha gnìomhachasan air Ghà idhealtachd a’ dèilgeadh ris an t-suidheachadh ùr is na h-atharraichean a tha na chois.
It is over three months since the end of the Brexit transition period and the enacting of a new trade agreement between the UK and the EU. Angela MacLean reports on how businesses in the Highlands have been responding to the new business environment and the changes that have resulted.
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Brexit: an dèidh 3 mìosan

Tha à s-mhalairtearan èisg is maorach gu sònraichte mì-thoilichte. Tha dragh air Jamie Mac a' Mhaoilein, aig a bheil Lochfyne Langoustines Earranta, mun bhuaidh a bhios aig na cosgaisean ùr air a' chompanaidh aigesan:
"Tha e a' cosg eadar £400 agus £500 san latha dhuinne stuth à s-mhalairt dhan EU.
"Am-bliadhna cosgaidh e barrachd na £120,000 dhuinn ann an cìsean maorach a chur dhan EU.
"Chan urrainn dhan ghnothachas agamsa sin a ghiùlain. Chan urrainn dhuinn sin a phà igheadh," thuirt e.
Tha gnothachasan eile nas dòchasaiche. Fhuair a' Highland Soap Company tabhartas de £4,000 bho Rìaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte airson an cuideachadh barrachd a reic thall thairis mar phà irt dhan ullachadh airson Brexit. Às an sin fhuair iad òrduighean luach £36,000.
Thuirt Emma Parton bhon chompanaidh:
"Tha sinn a' dèanamh nas urrainn dhuinn gluasad air adhart.
"Chan eil mi airson stad a bhith a' malairt leis an EU, ach tha cothroman san t-saoghal mhòr."
Brexit: 3 months on

Seafood exporters, in particular, are unhappy. Jamie McMillan from Lochfyne Langoustines Ltd is worried about the financial impact of the new regulations:
"It's costing us between £400 and £500 a day for us to export to the EU.
"This year it is going to cost us an extra £120,000 in new fees to export to the EU which is simply, for my business, not viable.
"We can’t pay that."
Other businesses are more hopeful. The Highland Soap Company got a £4,000 UK Government grant to help them prepare for Brexit. From that they received £36,000 worth of orders.
Emma Parton from the company said:
"We are doing everything we can to move things forward.
"I in no way want to stop trading with the EU, but the world is our oyster."
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Angela MacLean |
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