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An Rùn-dìomhair/The Mystery

Episode 19 of 52

Matilda is having fun with Charlie, Bob and Felicia in the forest when her three friends suddenly decide to go, leaving her alone.

Tha spòrs aig Marisa a’ cluich còmha ri Teàrlach, Dòl agus Fionnghala sa choille, ach uair sin tha tha an triùir aca a’ falbh is ga fàgail na h-aonar. Às dèidh dhan a seo tachart, tha sròn Marisa a’ cur dragh oirre agus tha i a’ tòiseachadh rin leantainn is a’ faicinn rudan àraid: tha Teàrlach a’ cur rudan a’ falach ann am bionaichean-sgudail, tha Dòl a’ toirt pàipearan dìomhair do mhuinntir a’ bhaile agus tha Fionnghala a’ toirt airgead do Cheannard MacArtair.

Matilda is having fun with Charlie, Bob and Felicia in the forest when her three friends suddenly decide to go, leaving her alone. Curious about this act, Matilda starts to follow them and discovers strange behaviours: Charlie hides things in garbage cans, Bob delivers mysterious papers to residents, and Felicia gives money to Chief Astudillo.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
